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"I like everything in Partizan and Belgrade - I even went to the Zoo"

Partizan basketball player Carlik Jones said that he likes everything in his new club.

Izvor: Meridian sport

"I like everything in Partizan and Belgrade - I even went to the Zoo"


The experienced playmaker arrived this summer among the black and whites as one of 14 new players.

"I like everything. From my teammates and coaches, to the atmosphere, the fans, to everything I saw in Belgrade. I even went to the Zoo. It was nice. I walked around the city a bit, visited some shopping centers... So far, I really like everything," Jones told Meridian Sports.

Although the team is new, there are also familiar faces for Jones.

"I'm really excited about everything. We have a lot to look forward to. The team is brand new, a lot of new faces. Although, I actually know a lot of them already. I played with Sterling and Frank in Dallas, Washington and we were together in the G League. It's just some familiar faces and I really can't wait to be on the court together."

He talked about the expectations that Željko Obradović has from him.

"I think coach expects me to be who I am. And, yeah, that's who I really am at the Olympics. I'm always trying to just be the best version of myself. To be a leader. Some days it's going to be in points, some other time in assists, there will be nights when I will be devoted to the defense. I just want to do what my team needs in order to win. I have been preparing to be who I am when I come here," Jones concluded.


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