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Heroes of the day - Zorana and Damir, the golden tandem of dreams!

Zorana Arunović and Damir Mikec delighted everyone in Serbia by winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games.

Izvor: B92.Sports

Heroes of the day - Zorana and Damir, the golden tandem of dreams!


It has been shown once again that they are real masters in 10 m Air Pistol Mixed Team discipline.

More precisely, the tandem of dreams. When it was most needed, on the Olympic arena, on the biggest stage, they did not fail. Cool heads, calm hands, after an incredible drama, they overcame the Turkish couple Tarhan - Dikec in a fierce finish with 16:14.

Why is this a heroic performance? Well, because they had a bigger deficit of 2:8, which they made up for with a lion's fight and supreme precision.

Zorana is a special story - her persistence was finally rewarded with the most brilliant award.

This is her fourth Games, and in London 2012 and Tokyo three years ago, she was close to the podium, finishing the competition on the fourth position.

Finally, she will be able to say that after a superb career and a series of victories in the World Cup, she is now an Olympic champion, and there is nothing greater than that.

"The heart beats for 27 minutes. Everything shakes," Zorana explained what it's like to shoot for gold at the Olympic shooting range.

Serbia is also shaking now, but with joy.

After Tokyo and the silver he won there, Damir Mikec reached the gold. His class has long been proven, and what kind of shape he is in from Tokyo to Paris now, is best evidenced by the fact that in that period he won 11 gold medals, both individually and in the mix, when looking at the European and world championships, and the World Cup.

Before shooting, they spent a sleepless night, but they used the 14 diabolos they had at their disposal in the final perfectly.

And yes, they are now deservedly on Olympus.



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