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Djokovic returns on court before the Olympics?

Novak Djokovic is in the process of rehabilitation after meniscus surgery, and the media in France is dealing with where and when he will play.

Izvor: L'Équipe

Djokovic returns on court before the Olympics?


Thus, "L'Équipe", which the day before reported that Novak underwent surgery in Paris on the advice of the famous handball player from Niš, Nikola Karabatić, went one step further and claimed that he will not play at Wimbledon.

However, not because he won't recover by then, but because, according to them, he won't want to risk it.

According to them, Novak's next tournament will be on clay, in July in Hamburg!

"Djokovic wanted to deal with these most urgent matters in a race against time because he wants to return to the court as soon as possible.

Word in the corridors of Roland Garros is that the number one, who gave up this tournament, aimed to return as early as Wimbledon (July 1-14). Regardless of the fact that this was a minor procedure, it seems that Novak's ambitions are a little too big.

Because if Novak got on the right foot today, he would need at least three weeks.

Of course, we are talking about an exceptional athlete here who is able to play more than three matches injured on a maximum dose of painkillers, in a situation where a mere mortal could barely walk. The date of July 21, with the Olympic Games scheduled for July 27, seems more reasonable," writes "L'Équipe".

Hence, it is believed that he will skip Wimbledon.

"The Wimbledon grass is not the least difficult surface for the joints of the 37-year-old veteran. Roger Federer can testify to this, as he definitely bowed to Hubert Hurkacz in the quarterfinals in London in 2021, which was the last match of his career.

Djokovic knows that better than anyone, and although he dreams of an eighth crown on one of the most beautiful fields in the world, he is certainly not ready to risk and ruin his chances of winning the Olympic gold. The only title he is missing in his incredible career," the French sports daily concluded.


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