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Earthquake in tennis - Djokovic and his colleagues filed a lawsuit!

The Association of Tennis Players (PTPA), whose founder is Novak Djokovic, initiated court proceedings against the governing bodies of tennis.

Izvor: B92.Sports

Earthquake in tennis - Djokovic and his colleagues filed a lawsuit!
Srđan Stevanović/Starsport


The documents were filed in the United States District Court in New York.

The 163-page lawsuit says, among other things, that "professional tennis players are stuck in a rigged game" that gives them "limited control over their own careers and brands."

The schedule, the ranking system and the control that exists when it comes to the image of the players are criticized.

The complaint was brought by the PTPA and 12 players, including Djokovic, his co-founding partner Vasek Pospisil and Nick Kyrgios - "on behalf of the entire playing population".

The lawsuit seeks an end to "monopolistic control" of the tennis tour, as well as financial compensation from the ATP, WTA, ITF and ITIA.

The PTPA believes that the governing bodies operate as a cartel by entering into agreements with tournaments that limit the prize pool and prevent potential competitors from entering the market.

They find the schedule unsustainable, lasting 11 months of the year, along the way asking players to play in extreme heat or in the early hours of the morning.

Because of this, players suffer from serious wrist, elbow, shoulder injuries because the balls are changed during the season.

The ITIA has been accused of violating privacy by searching the phones of players suspected of corruption and doping.

ATP is organizing 60 events in 29 countries this year. The ATP claims to have distributed $241.6 million to players in 2023.

This season, the WTA offers 51 tournaments in 26 countries. He points out that in 2024 it paid out 221 million dollars to female tennis players.

Players have often complained that they do not receive a high enough percentage of the income generated by the sport, which is why the PTPA was created in 2020.


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