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Dramatic situation in hospitals in Serbia: Visits to patients are banned at the VMA

Visits to patients are prohibited at the Military Medical Academy (MMA) in order to prevent the spread of respiratory infections, the institution announced today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Dramatic situation in hospitals in Serbia: Visits to patients are banned at the VMA


Visiting patients was previously prohibited in Tiršova, as well as in all clinics of the University of Clinical Center of Serbia.

In addition, visits to patients are prohibited in many hospitals in Serbia.


The virus that is spreading like wildfire is filling hospitals in Serbia

Dr Dragana Dimitrijević, national coordinator for epidemiological surveillance of influenza from the "Milan Jovanović Batut" Public Health Institute, pointed out that more than 7,600 people infected with influenza were recorded within six days.

"The flu virus is in circulation and has been laboratory confirmed in the territory of 20 districts. However, the flu virus is not the only one, we also have other respiratory pathogens such as rhinovirus and covid, as well as other adenoviruses, cold viruses, rhinoviruses. And only on the basis of the clinical picture can we be sure what it is about," says Dr Dimitrijević.


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