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The Kecmanović couple convicted of the massacre

The judge of the High Court in Belgrade today in the building of the Palace of Justice pronounced the verdict on Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, the parents of the killer boy who committed the massacre at the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar".

Izvor: Blic, Tanjug

The Kecmanović couple convicted of the massacre


Vladimir Kecmanović was convicted of the criminal offense of causing general danger because he improperly stored weapons and ammunition and thus enabled his then 13-year-old son to commit mass murder, as well as neglect and abuse of a minor.

Vladimir Kecmanović was sentenced to 14.5 years in prison, which is the maximum sentence that can be imposed for the crimes he was charged with in that proceeding, and Miljana Kecmanović to three years in prison.

The Kecmanović couple convicted of the massacre

Miljana Kecmanović is charged with illegal possession, carrying and distribution of weapons and explosive substances, because her DNA was found on the bullet casing found in the history cabinet where the boy was shot, as well as with the criminal offense of neglecting and abusing a minor.

This means that they will serve a total of 17.5 years in prison.

A shooting range instructor was sentenced to 15 months in prison for perjury.

The public will be deprived of the explanation of the verdict, considering that part of the sentencing is closed to the public.

To the parents of the children killed by K.K. in Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" in May last year, today the parents of those killed in Dubona and Malo Orašje joined the verdict.

The Kecmanović couple convicted of the massacre

Accused Miljana Kecmanović came accompanied by her lawyers while her husband was escorted out of custody.

The sentencing was open to the public despite the fact that, since the start of the trial, the public has not been able to attend the hearings.

The Kecmanović couple convicted of the massacre

According to the Criminal Procedure Law, a trial that was closed to the public is opened during the pronouncement of the verdict, i.e. the announcement of the verdict, and the court panel can make a decision to close the explanation of the verdict to the public again.

The prosecutor asked for maximum penalties

The chief public prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanović, during the presentation of his closing arguments, asked the High Court to sentence Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović to the maximum legal penalties.

Presenting his final speech at the trial before the High Court in Belgrade, Stefanović, as we wrote, proposed for Vladimir Kecmanović 12 years in prison for the Felony against general security and three years in prison for the criminal offense of Neglecting and abusing a minor, i.e. a single sentence of a total of 14 year and 11 months in prison.


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