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Chief Public Prosecutor: "I expect K.K.'s parents to be sentenced to the maximum sentence"

The Chief Public Prosecutor reacted to the allegations of the defense attorneys of the accused Kecmanović.


Chief Public Prosecutor: "I expect K.K.'s parents to be sentenced to the maximum sentence"
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


"The statements of the defense attorneys of the defendants Kemanović, who define the expansion of the indictment against them as "impotence of the prosecution", are misleading the public and disturb the families of the injured'', said Nenad Stefanović, the chief public prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.

"Impotence is the word that describes the feelings of the families of those who died on May 3, 2023 at Vladislav Ribnikar Primary School, which is why I believe that playing with their emotions calls for moral condemnation," said Stefanović.

He pointed out that the prosecution strongly believes in the strength of the presented and proposed evidence from the expanded indictment, with which they will support their claims about the guilt of the accused Kecmanović before the court.

"Taking into account the seriousness of the crimes for which the parents of a child who committed an unprecedented crime are being charged, while respecting their inviolable right to defense, I expect the court to impose the maximum penalties threatened by law, as proposed in the indictment," concluded the Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.


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