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The judge made a decision: The Kecmanović trial is closed to the public

The High Court in Belgrade closed to the public today's hearing in the civil proceedings of the 27 members of the families killed in the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar", against the parents and the boy who committed the mass murder.

Izvor: Tanjug

The judge made a decision: The Kecmanović trial is closed to the public


The judge closed today's trial to the public at the suggestion of the attorneys of the prosecutors, that is, members of the families of the murdered, due to the protection of information about the health status of the injured.

Experts Ana Najm and Milena Stanković were expert witnesses for the family members of the murdered and they will present their findings and opinion at today's trial.

Prior to that, court expert Aneta Lakić, otherwise a member of the commission that examined the juvenile perpetrator of the murder K.K., stated that they came to the conclusion based on the medical documentation and on the basis of the many-hour conversation they had with him over four days.

The judge ordered Lakić to quote within 15 days the contents of the written documentation on the basis of which they performed the expert opinion, because, as the judge stated, that documentation is not visible in the finding and opinion.

Lakić was an expert on the boy's capacity for judgment and sanity at the time of the mass murder, but she did not say the outcome of the expert's examination, that is, whether he was sane at that moment or not. She also stated that during the expert examination, they had access to the psychiatric report from May 3, 2023, when the crime was committed, and when the boy was placed in a psychiatric institution.

This lawsuit was filed by 27 members of the families of those killed against the boy, his parents and the school where the massacre took place.

Kecmanović's defense attorney said during the second civil proceedings, since there are five of them in total, that the boy's mother will not defend herself in the civil proceedings, and it is uncertain whether she will attend the trial today.

In addition to civil proceedings, there is also a criminal proceeding, which is closed to the public, and in which, as we learn, both the father and the mother denied guilt.

The boy K.K., who at the time of this crime was not yet 14 years old and therefore not criminally responsible, shot his friends with two of his father's pistols that he took on May 1.

On the fateful day, he put them in his backpack, went to school and during the first lesson killed 10 people and injured five children and a history teacher.


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