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Baby died in Čačak; Family furious: Doctor's mistake, they killed the baby; The doctor's words hit them

A tragic event, according to the claims of residents of Ivanjica, took place in the gynecology department of the Čačak hospital a few days ago. Namely, a pregnant woman from Ivanjica lost her baby, as they point out, due to a doctor's mistake.

Izvor: RINA

Baby died in Čačak; Family furious: Doctor's mistake, they killed the baby; The doctor's words hit them


"A woman from Ivanjica carried a healthy baby for a full nine months. The due date was October 12, but the attending doctor sent the woman home saying that it was still not due. She then came again on October 14, then again on October 16, and the last on Friday, October 18. According to the doctor's findings, everything was fine, but every time she was sent home because she was told that it was not the due date," the deceased baby's grandfather told RINA (his identity, as well as the mother's, is known to the editors).

He adds that the pregnant woman from Ivanjica was finally admitted to the ward at 5 p.m. on October 20, but the baby suffocated.

"When it was too late, they performed a caesarean section. The baby was in a serious condition. They allegedly performed resuscitation, but to no avail. They killed her with their inaction, negligence, and ignorance. To make the accident even worse, the pregnant woman waited for a long time to become pregnant and it is not known if it will work again. It is very difficult for us, we know that nothing will bring our grandson back, but we just want to say what we've been through so that something like this will never happen again to anyone because of the carelessness of the doctor. This sad truth has seen the light of day," says this visibly shaken man from Ivanjica.

The doctor's words hit the family

Tragedy aside, what additionally affected this unfortunate family, was the reaction of the doctor who managed the pregnancy, and that night also performed a caesarean section on the woman in labor.

"The statement of that gynecologist hit us, she said 'it's better that the baby died, if the baby had survived, she would have been retarded because she ran out of oxygen'. Our question is, why did our baby run out of oxygen? She then added 'this never happened to me, and I've been doing this job for 25 years'. Do you think this is too cruel for a mother who is brought a dead son to be told that," asked the deceased baby's grandfather through tears.

Hospital issued a statement

The General Hospital in Čačak announced this case in a short statement.

"On the occasion of your email dated 10/22/2024, which refers to the event related to the mother A.V., we inform you that the competent Ministry of Health of the RS and the competent health inspector have been informed about the entire event. Also, by order of the director of the institution, an extraordinary internal check will be carried out, checking the quality of professional work in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics with Neonatology of the Čačak General Hospital," was announced for RINA in the Čačak OB.


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