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Seismologist warns: "A devastating earthquake will happen"

A series of strong earthquakes hit the territory of Serbia in the past few days. They were joined by earthquakes from the region.


Seismologist warns: "A devastating earthquake will happen"


In the previous five days alone, we had earthquakes with a magnitude of over 3.5 on the Richter scale that hit Romania (4.2), Kruševac (3.9), Zadar (2.4), and to top it all off, yesterday during the day there were two earthquakes in Vranje (3.7 and 3.9 on the Richter).

Increased seismological activity began at the beginning of this year when Mladenovac, Donji Milanovac and Lazarevac were shaken, and stronger earthquakes during the year hit Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro, which had serious problems due to earthquakes in April this year.

Famous seismologist Slavica Radovanović explains that increased seismic activity should be understood as a warning.

"It is obvious to everyone, including seismologists, that seismic activity is increasing in our region. After a number of years, which passed without major earthquakes, earthquakes stronger than magnitude 3 began to occur on the territory of Serbia. From Vranje, Kruševac, Paraćin, Svrljig, when you think of Mladenovac and other earthquakes that happened in the previous year, it becomes clear that a stronger earthquake is coming," she says.

"According to one theory, which is supported by the devastating earthquake from Montenegro in 1979, more areas with increased activity and earthquakes that move above 3 degrees will lead to stronger earthquakes, which in our country cannot be as terrible as those worldwide, but they are certainly devastating.

That earthquake is going to happen at the point where it's not shaking. We can't know when it's going to happen. From my experience, it's going to happen in Serbia or in the border areas of neighboring countries," Slavica told and pointed out that experience leads us to the conclusion that it will happen in the next year:

"When on April 15, 1979, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale hit Montenegro and claimed more than 100 lives, a year earlier the earth began to shake like this. This leads us to assume that the next devastating earthquake will occur in next year. We'll know we've entered the final phase when an earthquake with magnitude 4 or even 4.5 on the Richter scale occurs."


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