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Father of the girl killed in Ribnikar: It is very difficult to see the killer of your child for the first time

The father of the murdered Angelina Aćimović, Andjelko Aćimović, as well as the lawyer Stefan Ćorda, were guests of Jutro on TV Prva and talked about yesterday's trial for the massacre in Ribnikar, when the killer boy testified before the court.

Izvor: Prva

Father of the girl killed in Ribnikar: It is very difficult to see the killer of your child for the first time


Andjelko Aćimović mentioned that this trial was very difficult, like all the previous ones they were on.

"This was especially difficult, because it is the first time you meet the killer of your child. Even though he is a child himself, then you realize that he is the one who killed our children, without a single reason," he said.

He said that he, and he believes other parents, still feel like "they're in a movie, like it's not real."

Aćimović said that parents have a duty to their children to persevere to the end in this trial.

Lawyer Ćorda said that yesterday in the courtroom they learned the reason why this tragedy happened, and that it seems to him that the court "is getting closer to a guilty verdict for both parents."

"What happened yesterday has not been seen before in judicial practice, it is a serious test for all participants in the judicial process," he noted.

According to him, it is paradoxical that K.K. sits in court and gives evidence at the trial, as someone "who deliberately committed a crime."

The father of the murdered girl said that he expects the testimony to continue on the 17th, as well as that he hopes that K.K. to continue his testimony, because it is very important for them to find out how this happened.

Aćimović then looked back at his daughter.

"Angelina is a part of our life, she was and will be. We will never stop cherishing everything she did, and we will fulfill all the wishes she did not fulfill."

He also said that he will do everything possible to take some operational measures at the state level based on this case, so that such tragedies do not happen again.

More details in the enclosed video:

Izvor: Prva tv

Just to recall, the boy murderer K.K., yesterday testified before the Special Court in the trial against his parents, where he testified from the lectern, although it was previously announced that he would be behind darkened glass.

During the testimony, the boy accused his parents of the massacre he committed.


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