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Citizens of Serbia, an appeal has been sent - register for evacuation

Ambassador of Serbia in Lebanon, Milan Trojanović, appealed to all citizens of Serbia to register at the embassy as soon as possible in order to prepare a list for evacuation from that country in a timely manner.

Izvor: TV Prva

Citizens of Serbia, an appeal has been sent - register for evacuation
Tanjug/AP Photo/Hassan Ammar


According to his words, the situation in this country has not changed since the moment when the airstrikes began. Trojanovic told TV Prva that the bombings are still going on in the south of Lebanon and that one of the targets was the Beirut-Damascus highway, near the border between Lebanon and Syria.

"Yesterday, the highway to Damascus was closed and you see cars with sleeping mattresses on the roof, full of children and women. So you can see on the street that the situation is not good. However, a large part of Lebanon is not directly threatened by the bombing," says Trojanovic.

Lebanon, he adds, is a developed country and the health system is still functioning, despite the large number of wounded.

"You have state hospitals, you have hospitals of various non-governmental organizations or party hospitals, if we will say so, and a large number of private hospitals. However, let's say from the south to Beirut, now I see that it is also spreading to the north, there are so many wounded that most of the hospitals are flooded," says Trojanović and adds that the schools are closed because the state decided to create centers there to receive these refugees from the south, as there is a large number of them.

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