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Shocking details from the trial: The employees of "Ribnikar" did not help the children after the massacre?

The footage shows that the cleaning lady, class teacher Dragana Tomić and janitor Rade Simić, after the killer boy shot, and before the arrival of the geography teacher Zoran Nišević and the police, were at the door of the history classroom where "7/2" was.

Izvor: Novosti

Shocking details from the trial: The employees of "Ribnikar" did not help the children after the massacre?
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


None of them went inside and helped the children, according to Novosti.

At the trial in the civil proceedings on the claim of the family of the girl A.D. (13) who was killed on May 3, 2023, in "Ribnikar" against the killer boy, his parents, the elementary school "Vladislav Ribnikar" and the state of Serbia, this was said by their representative, lawyer Snežana Dunjić.

She requested that the three mentioned be heard in court.

"We don't know if A.D. would be alive today if they had come in and provided help," Dunjić said. Deputy State Attorney Sanja Gunjić, who represents the school and the state, objected to their hearing, because, as she said, it is impossible to determine today whether any of their actions would have led to a different outcome and that would only prolong the proceedings.

"The fact that the court needs to determine is whether the school employees provided help to those children, in this case specifically A.D. We claim that they did not and the fatal consequence followed. She came to school that morning, because it was mandatory, and the school was obliged to provide her with conditions for safe attendance," said lawyer Dunjić.

At today's trial, geography teacher Zoran Nišević, assistant principal and music teacher Ivanka Jovanović and the school police officer of the day, Milica Stanković, testified.

Zoran Nišević said that his impression was that K.K. was a correct student, who fulfilled his obligations and that there were no problems with him.

"On the third of May, I didn't have the first lessons, but I brought my children and my wife, who also works there as a Serbian language teacher, to the school. I stood at the entrance and talked for a while with Dragan. Before the beginning of the first lesson, I went to the office and looked at the geography charts. Then, I heard gunfire and I was surprised by its intensity, so I thought it was in front of the school. When I heard other shots, I ran out and saw Sofija lying down, Bojana sitting beneath the table and Ana sitting on the chair with her eyes open. I thought it was a game, but Dragan was also lying down. The children started to come out of the classrooms and I yelled to them to go to the side exit of the school. I also met my wife with my students, I also saw one of my daughters. They all left in half a minute. I said that Dragan was killed, I closed the door and went back," said the geography teacher.

He says that he took an umbrella on the way, he doesn't know why, to defend himself probably, as if the umbrella could protect him from bullets and he threw it when he got to the hallway where the classrooms are.

"I went to open the doors of the classrooms and the first two were empty, the math cabinet was locked and I saw the history classroom's door half open. I walked in and saw a gruesome sight. I saw Adriana and Katarina in the front row. Little Pop moved his head, I approached and he was looking at me, I will never forget that look. I realized that he was seriously injured and that I must not touch him. I saw that my colleague Tanja was also lying there, as if she was begging for help. I told her that Ambulance is underway. I asked, "is there anyone else alive" and little Veljko answered. He was wounded in the arm and leg. I ask him, "how many people were shooting", and he says, "only one, K.". I ask him, "which K.K.", and he answers, "our K.K." I ask him, "where is he now", and he says, "he jumped out of the window".

The teacher says he ran right out of the classroom and encountered a police officer, who pointed a gun at him and told him to drop the weapon.

"I only had the phone and told him that I was a teacher and that the boy who shot was somewhere in the yard. Then I returned to the classroom and took the wounded Veljko outside, so that we could speed up the help until the ambulance arrived. They put him in the vehicle. I wanted to go back to the classroom, to help them, but they told me that there was no need, that the doctors were there. My wife called me to see if I was alive and I told her that Dragan had been killed. We didn't know what happened to our older daughter for 15 minutes. Then my wife called me again and said that a child called from the math office, who goes to class with our daughter, and said that they were all locked in there. After that, the teacher sent an ambulance to the place where the wounded boy Jovan got out. Then he went back to school.

"The principal also came and I played the footage from the camera from the school hall to the police. It shows when K.K. arrives and Dragan explains to him that he should go to his class and turns and goes to his place in the porter's office, when Kosta shoots him in the back and then also hits the girls'' - said Nišević.

He says that he was at school that whole day until eight in the evening, that class teacher of 7/2 was hysterical, that she was shouting, so he went with the police and identified the dead children, because he knew them all.

"And the next day I was there when things were collected, because I knew who was sitting where and what could belong to whom, so I sorted the pencil cases and things I found on the benches, backpacks, into sacks. I saw all those bullet holes in walls, chairs, backpacks. I saw Ema's comb in a pool of blood. I will never forget it. It lasted from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.," said teacher Zoran Nišević.

Teacher Ivanka Jovanović said that she taught music to Adriana in the 5th and 6th grades, but that she did not know Kosta and that she did not know anything about him until May 3.

"I was in the office with a colleague from the administration and it sounded like a firecracker. I said to her, "what's going on now" and went out into the corridor thinking that someone was throwing firecrackers. I saw someone with an outstretched hand, holding a gun and shooting at children and Dragan who is lying down. I returned to the office where I left my phone and called the police at 8:38. That was two minutes before the end of the first class, because one class lasts 40 minutes in Ribnikar. The police operator asked me if I was safe thrice, I said I didn't know, she asked me for my name, school, address. While I was talking to her, shots were heard.

Teacher Jovanović says that she then went out into the hall again and there was silence.

Then she went back to calling Emergency and she also called the director. When she came out again, she encountered a policeman, who took her back to the office. As she says, they were forbidden to tell anyone what happened. To the questions of lawyer Dunjić, the music teacher said that she did not come to help the children in the hall and that she did not know how to do it. As she said, it was clear to her that they were not alive, because they were not moving and she was a few meters away from them.

The school police officer in charge that day, Milica Stanković, said that she was at "Ribnikar" from approximately 7:15 to 7:30 a.m., talked to the security guard Dragan Vlahović and then went to the Third Gymnasium to visit it as well, where she escorted the students to class. 

''I couldn't be in two places at the same time. There I visited the school, the yard. I heard over the radio that there was an armed person in "Ribnikar" and I headed there. When I arrived, I found cleaning lady, the geography teacher and my colleagues at the entrance. I asked cleaning lady what happened and she answered something incoherent. I took out my gun and entered the school. I saw Dragan, approached him and called him to see if he was showing signs of life. I heard over the radio that a person had been arrested. I put the weapon back in the holster and went out in front of the school to ensure that no one approached."

She says that she heard over the radio that the students were shot in the classroom, but she didn't go there, because the ambulance had already arrived, so she wouldn't like to disturbe them.

She said that she does not remember exactly every minute, where she was and what she did, because that day was very stressful for her.

Lawyer Snežana Dunjić had objections to her testimony, because she says there are recordings, which indicate that she was not telling the truth and that her work was a pure simulation of work.

The class teacher is an important witness

The invited class teacher of 7/2, Dragana Tomić, did not come to the trial today. She sent medical documentation to the court stating that her health condition is bad and that participation in the court proceedings, when she testified in the second lawsuit against Kecmanović and the school in April, caused re-traumatization and worsening of her condition, and suggested that her testimony, the one she gave in the High Prosecutor's Office, be used.

Dukić's lawyer Snežana Dunjić asked the court to determine whether she can come and testify.

"The class teacher is a very important witness for us, and we have many questions about her, which were not asked in the other lawsuit. She also had medical documentation that she was sick, so she came. We claim that the employees did not provide help to the victims in a timely manner, and we suggest that the court watched the video," said Dunjić.

She also requested that former principal Snežana Knežević and 6th grade class teacher of K.K. Nada Bulatović face each other in court about the reasons for refusing K.K. to move to the second shift and then about the reasons for accepting it, because their statements differ.

Deputy State Attorney Sanja Gunjić objected to this as superfluous, because, as she said, everything had already been clarified.


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