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An unprecedented winter is coming to Serbia

According to forecasts, icy arctic air will arrive in Serbia, which will drastically lower the air temperature.

Izvor: Kurir, Blic

An unprecedented winter is coming to Serbia
Shutterstock/Oleksii Synelnykov


"The next two days will be marked by a very pleasant weather with fresh mornings. Cold arctic air will arrive on Saturday, which will first affect Vojvodina, and by the end of day, it will also reach the rest of Serbia with colder weather and cloud cover.

From Sunday, real autumn days await us, and maybe we will need winter jackets, with maximum temperatures of 12 to 15 degrees," meteorologist Ivan Ristic told Kurir TV.

Sunday will be the worst

Ristić also told Blic that along with cloud cover, rain, and a drop in temperature, an increased northwesterly wind is expected on Saturday, and that the worst will be on Sunday when it will be mostly cloudy and cold, occasionally with rain.

The highest temperature on the second day of the weekend will be between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius. The meteorologist advises to prepare winter jackets, because when the temperature dropped two weeks ago, we were not able to wear a sweatshirt, especially in the morning and evening hours.

"Sunday will definitely be the worst day," Ristic said, adding that new cloud cover with rain is expected next Thursday, October 3.

However, as they say, we can expect another burst of good weather in October.

"Around October 12, we will have a short period with nice weather, around 25 degrees, and then the temperature will drop," Ristić points out.

He also announced that the winter ahead of us will be significantly colder than the past two, and we can expect the first snow already in November.

"Individual models indicate a colder period in the second half of October and the beginning of November. Since this autumn, the circulation on the planet, especially over Europe, has changed, there is an evident orientation of the arm of the polar vortex towards our continent, as part of which occasional intrusions of cold arctic air will occur", concludes Ivan Ristić.



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