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RHMZ issued warning for Serbia

The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) has issued a warning that the water level of the Danube will rise in the coming days.

Izvor: B92

Autor: B92

RHMZ issued warning for Serbia
Profimedia/Crespi/Bergamo, Bergamo/ Italy


"On the Danube, the water levels will increase in the coming days. Reaching and exceeding the limits of regular flood defense is expected: near Bezdan on September 19, near Apatin on September 19/20, and near Bogojevo, Bačka Palanka and Novi Sad on September 20/21, with a tendency to further increase," reads the warning of the RHMZ.

RHMZ issued warning for Serbia

Also, the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) announced that cloudy weather awaits us today.

"During the morning in the southwest, south and southeast of Serbia, it will be cloudy in places with rain," the announcement reads.

RHMZ issued warning for Serbia

Weather in Belgrade

In Belgrade, a short-term fog is expected in some parts of the city in the morning.

During the day, it will be slightly to moderately cloudy with sunny intervals. A weak and moderate easterly wind will blow.

The lowest temperature will be from 9 to 13, the highest around 22 degrees.

The weather for the next days

From Thursday to Saturday, it will be dry in the north and northeast of Serbia, and unstable in other parts, with rain and local showers with thunder.

In Podunavlje, Pomoravlje and Banat, a moderate, occasionally strong easterly wind will blow, which will weaken on Saturday.​​

In Europe and neighboring countries, cyclone "Boris" has caused floods.

Reaching and overcoming the limits of regular flood defense is expected near Bezdan on September 19. Also, near Apatin on September 19 and 20, and near Bačka Palanka and Novi Sad on September 20 and 21 with a tendency to further increase.


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