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The parents of the killer boy from Niška Banja are threatened with imprisonment

M.M.M. (43) and her husband from Niška Banja M.M. (43), the parents of the boy who massacred his schoolmate Andrej Simić on October 5 last year are threatened with up to 12 years in prison.


The parents of the killer boy from Niška Banja are threatened with imprisonment


They are suspected of having committed a serious crime against general security in complicity, not the abuse and neglect of a child for which they were originally charged and for which they could have been sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison.

As confirmed in the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Niš, which initiated proceedings against this married couple, after the evidentiary actions were carried out and due to the possibility that their actions may have acquired characteristics of another criminal offense, the case was sent for inspection to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office.

"Proceedings were initiated before the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office against the suspects for the criminal offense of abuse and neglect of a minor, in which the boy had the status of victim. The parents of both minors were interviewed and other evidentiary actions were conducted, after which we decided to submit the case to the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office so that they could establish whether there might be grounds for their actions," explained Stanojević.

The higher public prosecutor's office confirmed that it has started criminal prosecution of the parents of the boy who killed a school friend.

"The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office issued an order to conduct an investigation against M.M.M. and M.M. from Niška Banja due to the existence of grounds for suspicion that they committed a serious crime against general security in co-perpetration, about which the public will be informed in a timely manner," it was stated in the response of this judicial institution signed by Senior Public Prosecutor Borica Mitić.

Article 288 of the Criminal Code, referred to by the prosecution, states that if the suspect's actions "caused the death of one or more persons, the perpetrator will be sentenced to two to 12 years in prison."

This kind of punishment threatens both one and the other suspected spouse because they are accused of having committed a serious crime against general security in co-perpetration.

Boy stabbed 37 times

Andrej Simić was killed with 37 stab wounds in the family home of his school friend, and the motive for this crime is still a mystery.

Given that the murderer was only 13 years old at the time of the crime and that he is criminally irresponsible, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office declared itself incompetent after the crime and transferred the case to the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office.

They suspected child abuse and neglect because, according to the parents of the murdered boy and numerous witnesses, they did not take any action even though they knew that their son always carried a backpack full of knives with him.

Illustrating the claim that they are responsible for their son's actions that culminated in the murder, the attorneys of the Simic family submitted to the prosecution photos from the Facebook profile of the boy's mother, in which she is holding a gun, while in another picture the killer boy is "slaughtering" a toy bear with a large knife.


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