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Get ready... "Haron" is rushing towards Serbia

According to meteorologists' forecasts, another heat wave with high temperatures and tropical nights is ahead of us.


Get ready... "Haron" is rushing towards Serbia
Shutterstock/Yuriy Kulik


"Rain is forecast for Friday afternoon, the night between Friday and Saturday and on Saturday," meteorologist Ivan Ristić announced briefly.

So far, he adds, there are no indications of supercell storms, but there are indications of stronger storms during the first day of the weekend.

The whole summer will be tropical temperatures, but what is the problem are the tropical nights. Thursday and Friday will be the warmest days this week, however, a shower warning will be in place for Friday afternoon.

Although the air will be a little heavier, the rain will refresh us, meteorologists announce.

"Friday afternoon, there will be showers. Western and even northern Serbia will be affected. On Saturday, there will be a lot of rain in most of Serbia. Southeast Serbia will still remain dry. The amount of precipitation will not be extreme. According to today's models, around 20-30 liters", says meteorologist Ivan Ristić.

Saturday is a day for rain, and some storms are possible, Ristić predicts.

"So far, there are no announcements that supercell storms and tornadoes could occur, but accidents are possible. From August 5, we will go back to warmer weather and the heat wave will slowly arrive again," predicts Ristić.

The African anticyclone Haron is rapidly heading towards us, meteorologist Ristić announces.

"Around August 5, the heat dome will press again, with no end in sight for now. Temperatures will again jump to close to 40 degrees Celsius," says meteorologist Ristić.

Get some sleep for the next two days, warm African air is coming

On Tuesday, July 30, and Wednesday, July 31, the mornings will be much fresher and the weather will be favorable for a more pleasant sleep. However, such weather conditions will not last long and from Thursday, August 1, the flow of warm African air will start again.

"On Friday, August 2, the maximum daily temperatures will again be from 35 to 39 degrees. In the afternoon in the west of Serbia, showers of rain accompanied by thunder are possible. On Saturday, August 3, the influence of a high-altitude valley from the west is expected, as part of which fresher and wetter air will come to our area, so showers of rain accompanied by thunder are expected in most parts of Serbia. The highest temperature will drop slightly and will range between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius," said Ristić recently for "Blic".

Stabilization of the weather and the beginning of a new heat wave

According to Ivan Ristic's weather forecast, on Sunday, August 4, it is expected that the precipitation will stop and the weather will stabilize.

"From Monday, August 5, the 'Vienna Gate' closes and the heat wave gradually begins. The African cyclone will strengthen towards us and the maximum daily temperatures during the next week will be from 35 to 40 degrees Celsius," says the meteorologist.

The whole of August will be marked by high temperatures, with only occasional mild cooling. More than 20 tropical days are expected during the next month.


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