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A storm is coming; A new warning for Serbia

State Hydrometeorological Institute announced on its official website about the upcoming weather events.

Izvor: B92

A storm is coming; A new warning for Serbia


"In the next two hours in Vojvodina and in some places in the hilly and mountainous areas, showers with thunder," it is stated on the RHMZ website.


Changeable and unstable weather is expected tomorrow, with showers and thunderstorms, so a higher amount of precipitation is expected in some parts of the city, with a short-term strong and stormy wind in the zone of the most intense showers.

A yellow weather alert is in effect throughout Serbia today due to thunderstorms, rain, and high temperatures.

During the night in the north and west of Serbia, and tomorrow also in other regions, short-term weather events are expected locally: showers with thunder and a greater amount of precipitation, hail and strong and stormy winds in the zone of the most intense showers.

RHMZ previously issued an urgent warning of heavy showers with thunder and hail in the area of ​​the central Banat district.



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19 h
