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"Kiss of Venus": Here's when to expect a unique phenomenon in the sky

Tomorrow, the planet Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun during the so-called inferior conjunction, and because of the extreme proximity of the planet, this event is also called the "Kiss of Venus", AP reported today.

Izvor: Tanjug

"Kiss of Venus": Here's when to expect a unique phenomenon in the sky


Such an alignment occurs every 19 months due to the way Venus and Earth orbit the Sun, and the moment of inferior conjunction occurs around 9 PM EST in the United States.

Venus will be extremely difficult to see because it has phases like the Moon, and before and after conjunction it will look like a thin crescent that can only be seen through a telescope.

"The glare from the sun makes it really, really hard to see," said Michelle Nichols of Chicago's Adler Planetarium.

After the conjunction, Venus will be visible in the morning sky just before sunrise.


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