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The Kecmanovics filed appeals against the verdict: Here's what they ask for

The defense attorneys of Miljana and Vladimir Kecmanović, the parents of the boy who killed nine peers and a guard at Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school on May 3, 2023, filed an appeal against the first-instance verdict in which the Kecmanović were sentenced

Izvor: Tanjug

The Kecmanovics filed appeals against the verdict: Here's what they ask for
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


An appeal was filed against the verdict by two of Kecmanović's defense attorneys, the defense attorney of the third defendant, shooting range instructor Nemanja Marinković, High Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Milica Veličković, spokesperson for the High Court in Belgrade, confirmed for Tanjug.

Also, in relation to the amount of the sentence, as well as the exculpatory part of the verdict for Miljana Kecmanović, the appeal to the Court of Appeal in Belgrade was also filed by the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade.

The judgment, which is written on almost 200 pages, should be sent together with the appeals to the Court of Appeal in Belgrade, which will decide on the appeals.

According to the first-instance verdict, Vladimir Kecmanović was sentenced to a single prison sentence of 14 and a half years for the criminal acts of neglect and abuse of a minor and serious crime against general security.

His wife, Miljana Kecmanović, was sentenced to three years in prison for the crime of neglecting and abusing a minor, while shooting instructor Nemanja Marinković was sentenced to 15 months in prison for giving a false statement.

The boy K.K., who at the time of this crime was not yet 14 years old and therefore not criminally responsible, shot on May 3 at school with two of his father's pistols, which he took on May 1, 2023.

On the fateful day, he put them in his backpack, went to school and during the first lesson killed 10 people and injured five more children and a history teacher.


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