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Total blockade; the police and the army are everywhere: Has he been spotted?

The police blocked all approaches to the Bijelo Polje village of Kukulje, where, according to a report by a local, fugitive Alija Balijagić, suspected of double murder, was spotted an hour ago, Portal RTCG unofficially learns.

Izvor: RTCG

Total blockade; the police and the army are everywhere: Has he been spotted?


Police forces surrounded the village of Orahovica in Bijelo Polje this morning, checking the possibility that Alija Balijagić, suspected of a double murder in Tomaševo, is hiding there.

The search was extended to the places of Kukulje and Sutivan, RTCG reporters learned.

Members of the Montenegrin army are also on the ground, and they have been assisted from the air.

As RTCG unofficially learns, the police received information from the residents of Orahovica that Balijagić was spotted in their village, and the officers are checking every report.

Below you can watch footage of the police from the town of Orahovica, which is tightening the ring in search of the killer, and for now there is no confirmed information that they have managed to locate him.

The videos have been provided by the editorial office of RTCG.

Izvor: RTCG


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