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Montenegrins, now we know how many of you there are!

According to the results of the census held in December last year, the most citizens of Montenegro declared themselves as Montenegrins - 41.12 percent (256,436). They are followed by Serbs at 32.93 percent (205,370), while 9.45 percent (58,956) as Bosniaks.


Montenegrins, now we know how many of you there are!


4.97 percent of citizens (30,978) declared themselves as Albanians, 2.06 percent (12,824) as Russians, and 1.63 percent (10,162) as Muslims.

This was announced at the press conference of the Statistics Authority (Monstat).

Out of the total number of the population enumerated, 71.10 percent of the citizens declared that they were Orthodox, 19.99 percent were Islamic, 3.24 were Catholic, while 2.29 percent of the citizens declared themselves to be atheists.

The population census from 2023 in Montenegro included a total of 667,650 citizens, the final results of the population census of the Administration for Statistics (Monstat). Of the total number, a total of 306,807 men, or 49.2 percent, and 316,826 women, or 50.8 percent, were registered.

The results show that 90.73 percent of the enumerated citizens have Montenegrin citizenship, and 7.82 percent of foreign citizens residing in Montenegro.

According to the same Monstat data, the average age of the population in Montenegro is 39.7 years.

The census in Montenegro was supposed to be held in 2021, but it was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. That process was implemented from December 3 to 28 of last year, after its beginning was prolonged several times due to the demands of the opposition and councils of less numerous peoples that certain conditions for its implementation be met beforehand.

According to the preliminary results of the census, 633,158 inhabitants live in Montenegro, which is two percent more than in 2011.

According to the 2011 census, Montenegrins were also at most 44.97 percent (278,865), Serbs 28.72 percent (178,110), Bosniaks 8.64 percent (53,605), Albanians 4.9 percent (30,439), Muslims 3.31 percent (20,537), Roma one percent (6,251), and Croats 0.97 percent (6,021). In that census, 0.33 percent of citizens declared themselves as Serbs-Montenegrins (2,103), as Egyptians also 0.33 percent (2,054), and as Montenegrins-Serbs 0.29 percent (1,833). 0.19 percent of citizens (1,202) registered regional affiliation in that census. In 2011, 0.18 percent (1,154) declared themselves as Yugoslavs, as Russians 0.15 percent (946), as Macedonians 0.14 percent (900), as Bosnians 0.06 percent (427), as Slovenians 0, 05 percent (354), as Hungarians also 0.05 percent (337), and as Muslim-Montenegrins 0.04 percent (257), while 0.031772707 percent of citizens declared themselves as Goranians (197).

In 2011, 0.02 percent of citizens declared themselves as Muslims-Bosniacs (183), as Bosniaks-Muslims also 0.02 percent (181), as Montenegrins-Muslims 0.02 percent (175), Italians 0.02 percent (135 ), Germans 0.02 percent (131), and as Turks 0.01 percent (104). In 2011, 0.54 percent of citizens (3,358) were classified as other.


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