Region 0



Budapest under water PHOTO

In Budapest, the Danube already flooded the piers of Pest and Buda at the beginning of the week, but its water level is still lower than that during the catastrophic floods of 2013.


Budapest under water PHOTO
Tanjug/AP Photo/Denes Erdos


However, the Hungarian authorities warn that the load on the defense lines is high.

"After the water level reaches its peak, the danger has not passed. It is when the water level drops that the trouble happens, the dams can burst. This can be prevented by monitoring. We have opened a flood defense hotline and we have received more than 400 calls, that means that people are still ready to help," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said.

The water reached approximately the level of the basement of the parliament building, but the building itself should not be threatened, at least for now there are no indications of that, reports HRT.

The docks along the Danube on both sides have been submerged for days, as well as the roads leading along the river. The metro station connecting the left and right banks of the river is closed.

The peak of the water wave is expected in the evening, but the water level is not expected to exceed 450 cm. This is what Budapest looks like underwater:


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