Region 0



Chaos with no way out: A column 6 kilometers long

There is increased traffic on important roads, approaches to tourist centers and certain border crossings, on the A2 Zagreb-Macelj motorway at the junction Zagreb west in the direction of Zagreb, it is about 6 km long, reported the Croatian Auto Club (HAK).


Chaos with no way out: A column 6 kilometers long


On the A1 Zagreb-Ploče-Karamatići motorway, traffic between the Lučko toll booth and the Bosiljevo 2 interchange in the direction of the sea has increased, but there are no long waits in front of the Lučko toll booth in both directions.

Due to the traffic accident on the A4 Goričan-Zagreb between the junctions Saint Helena and Popovec in the direction of Zagreb, driving is slowed down in one lane in a column of about 4 km.

Traffic density has increased between the Popovec and Zagreb East junctions in the direction of Zagreb.

Traffic has increased on the A3 Bregana-Lipovac (including the Zagreb bypass) between the junctions Zagreb Zapad and Lučko in the direction of Lipovac.

On the Adriatic highway (DC8), traffic has increased on the approaches to the city of Split.

There are no difficulties in maritime traffic.

At the border crossing with BiH Stara Gradiška (Bosanska Gradiška), traffic has increased, waiting times are about 30 minutes.


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