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Day of mourning in Mojkovac: A terrible accident claimed the lives of a father and daughter

A father and a daughter (17) were killed in a terrible traffic accident that happened on the main road Kolašin - Mojkovac.

Izvor: RINA

Day of mourning in Mojkovac: A terrible accident claimed the lives of a father and daughter


Due to this tragedy, by the decision of the President of the Municipality of Mojkovac, June 3 was declared the Day of Mourning.

"The Municipality of Mojkovac expresses its deep regret for the tragically lost lives of its fellow citizens," the announcement states.

Flags on the building of the Municipality, the companies and institutions of which it is the founder, will be lowered to half-mast. Local electronic and other media, organizers of public programs and content are obliged to adapt their programs and content to the Day of Mourning.

During the Day of Mourning, the broadcasting of music, i.e. the holding of entertainment programs in public places, is prohibited, according to the Mayor's Decision.


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