Region 1



How Naser Orić tortured and killed Serbs in Srebrenica: Civilians' eyes were gouged out, they were slaughtered

Yesterday in New York, in the organization of the UN Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia, a panel discussion "We speak because they cannot - voices that need to be heard" of witnesses and victims of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held.

Izvor: Novosti

How Naser Orić tortured and killed Serbs in Srebrenica: Civilians' eyes were gouged out, they were slaughtered


Dušanka and Svetlana Stanić, as well as other victims, testified about the crimes they survived during the war in BiH - life in the camp, the most terrible tortures and death that was predicted for Serbs at that time, reports Novosti.

Among the most terrible atrocities committed at that time against the Serbian people in the territory of the municipality of Srebrenica are those behind which Naser Orić stands. This war crime against the civilian population was described in detail during the investigative procedure against Orić, according to Novosti.

Naser Orić, then in his capacity as the commander of the Srebrenica municipal headquarters and a member of the war presidency in Srebrenica, and as the commander of all units subordinated to the Srebrenica territorial defense headquarters, carried out an armed attack on the Serbian population of the area after it was decided that the members of the 16th MIB (Muslim Eastern Brigade) made available and under the command of TO Srebenica and his command with the aim of armed attack on the villages in the vicinity of Srebrenica, inhabited by the Serb population and to expel this population from the village.

All of them, under the direct command of Naser Orić, participated in armed attacks on the civilian population of Serbian nationality in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the common general goal of the Muslim side in the conflict, the expulsion of the Serbian population from the area of the municipality of Srebrenica and the establishment of complete control over the entire territory and the creation of an ethnically clean area.

They committed murders and injuries to bodily integrity, applied measures of intimidation and terror, torture and inhumane treatment, set fire to and destroyed the property of the civilian population, with the aim of spreading fear among the population of Serbian nationality and forcing the civilian population to leave their place of residence and move to Republic of Serbia.

In July 1992, they organized an attack on the town of Zalazje in Donji Potočari, municipality of Srebernica, where the majority Serbian population lived. Before the attack, in the early hours of the morning in the village of Lehovići near the village of Šušnjari, members of the Condor unit and members of the TO Srebenica were lined up, and on that occasion Naser Orić gave a welcome speech and issued the order to launch an attack on Zalazje, to completely expel the Serbian population from territory of the municipality of Srebernica with the words:

"We are attacking Zalazje, to expel Serbs and Chetniks from Srebrenica. You have a free hand in case you capture someone, you can do whatever you want to them, clean as soon as you get there, clean only to free them, to drive them away from there, don't leave any chickens or pigs, nothing"....

During the attack, a group of civilians were captured, who were beaten and cursed and killed on the road leading to Srebenica. One of them was singled out by Orić Naser himself (judge Ilić Slobodan), and knocked him to the ground with a kick in the leg area, then knelt on his chest with his left leg and addressed him with the words: "Where are you, judge? Are you going to judge now?", then took out a knife with which he gouged out both of his eyes and finally stabbed him in the neck area, during which Ilić Slobodan did not let out a single cry.

On this occasion, nine Serbs were killed. The remains of these persons, by order of Naser Orić, were loaded into a truck trailer and taken on the road to Srebrenica, where members of the Condor unit unloaded them from the truck and put them in a pit that had previously been dug with an excavator, and then buried it by throwing earth over the bodies of the injured.


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