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Detention for the girl who hit a student with her car

The judge for the preliminary proceedings of the High Court in Belgrade passed on January 26, 2025, the decision by which, detention was ordered to the defendant M.S., which according to that decision can last for a maximum of 30 days.

Izvor: Kurir.rs

Detention for the girl who hit a student with her car
Katarina Drajic/ATAImages


M.S. hit two people in Jurija Gagarina Street with a car during road blocks.

"According to the defendant M.S., detention was ordered for legal reasons prescribed by the provisions of Article 211 paragraph 1 point 2, 3 and 4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, i.e. due to the existence of special circumstances that indicate that she will interfere with the proceedings by influencing the witnesses, due to the existence of special circumstances that indicate that she will, in case of being at liberty, to repeat the criminal offense in a short period of time, as well as considering that she is reasonably suspected of having committed the criminal offense for which a prison sentence of over ten years is prescribed, and the manner of execution and the seriousness of the consequences of the criminal offense led to public anxiety, which may threaten the smooth and fair conduct of criminal proceedings," the statement reads.

Defendant M.S. is charged with the crime of aggravated attempted murder from Article 114 paragraph 1 point 2 and 11 of the Criminal Code in connection with Article 30 of the Criminal Code.

An appeal against the said decision is allowed to the Court of Appeal in Belgrade, within three days of receiving the decision.


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