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New illegal decision of the CEC; The Serbian newspaper filed a complaint

The representatives of the Serbian List submitted today to the Election Panel for Appeals and Petitions an appeal against the decision of the CEC in Pristina on the composition of the electoral committees.

Izvor: Tanjug

New illegal decision of the CEC; The Serbian newspaper filed a complaint
FOTO TANJUG/ Srpska lista/ bg


As stated in the announcement of the Serb List, this is an appeal against a new, illegal decision of the CEC.

The legal deadline for a response is 48 hours from the moment the complaint is submitted.

Two days ago, the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Pristina made a decision on polling committees in the upcoming elections to the detriment of the Serb List, after the Election Panel for Complaints and Petitions annulled the illegal and falsified decision on the composition of the polling committees and ordered the CEC to adopt new, in accordance with the legal acts in force.

Srpska Lista announced at the time that the CEC's new decision was made "with a clear violation of election rules" and favoring the party of  Nenad Rašić, the "favorite" of the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti.


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