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School holidays in all of Serbia start earlier

The vacation for all students in Serbia begins on Monday, December 23, seven days earlier than planned in the school calendar, the media reports.

Izvor: Blic.rs, Kurir.rs

School holidays in all of Serbia start earlier


According to them, the proposal to start the school holidays for all students from Monday has already been defined and the decision of the Government of Serbia is awaited.

School vacation from December 23 to January 20, 2025

According to that proposal, the second semester will begin as planned, on January 20, 2025.

For students in Vojvodina, by the way, the holiday should certainly have started on Tuesday, December 24 because of Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar.

The text of the conclusion states that the Government of Serbia instructs the Ministry of Education to organize the winter vacation equally for primary and secondary schools throughout the territory of the Republic of Serbia, so that the first semester ends on Monday, December 23, 2024, and the second semester begins on January 20, 2025.


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