Politics 0



Vučić: On Saturday, we present the most important plan for young people in Serbia; We work on another project

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed the citizens of Serbia.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić: On Saturday, we present the most important plan for young people in Serbia; We work on another project


"On Saturday, we will present the most important plan for solving the housing problem for young people in Serbia. I am proud of that plan. It seems to me that no European country has such an ambitious idea. I believe that we managed to secure enough money with which the state will support the needs of young people", said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

Moreover, Vučić said that they are working on another important project.

"We will show a plan on how to attract people to return to Serbia. We are working on another project, within ten days we will show how and in what way to attract people from abroad to return to their country, to their homeland, to their Serbia. We want to encourage our people, both young and old, to return to Serbia. We will provide programs from various areas of social life, how and with what to attract them to come to Serbia and further strengthen our economy. In addition to the most favorable housing loans possible for young people, we will also make the most serious subsidies for our people from the diaspora," said Vučić.


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