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It's signed in the EU; Serbia is invited

Bálint Ódor stated today that he signed a letter on behalf of the Council of the European Union in which Serbia is invited to submit its negotiating positions for Chapters 16 and 19 within Cluster 3 on competitiveness and inclusive growth.

Izvor: Tanjug

It's signed in the EU; Serbia is invited


Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Hungary to the EU, Bálint Ódor, stated today that he signed a letter on behalf of the Council of the European Union in which Serbia is invited to submit its negotiating positions for Chapters 16 and 19 within Cluster 3 on competitiveness and inclusive growth.

This step represents significant progress in the negotiations on Serbia's accession to the EU and the enlargement processes, which are one of the key priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency, he announced on the X network.

"I signed a letter inviting Serbia to submit its negotiating positions for chapters 16 and 19 within Cluster 3: Competitiveness and inclusive growth. A big step that encourages Serbia's accession negotiations and the enlargement process," he wrote.

Previously, let's recall, the President of the European Council, António Luís Santos da Costa, stated that Serbia could soon achieve progress in the negotiations on joining the EU.

As stated, such a decision could be made bearing in mind some positive evaluations by the European Commission and the fact that compliance with EU foreign policy is somewhat better than before.

"Serbia is not fully aligned, but there is progress, especially with regard to Ukraine. Serbia has been a very strong supporter of Ukraine, on a diplomatic, humanitarian and military basis, and is a very important ally in the struggle of the Ukrainian people for a just and lasting peace," Costa said to the media ahead of the EU-Western Balkans summit, which will be held on December 18 in Brussels.


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