The last tremors of the deep state
The well-known system of work of the "deep state", which experienced its collapse with the victory of Donald Trump in the elections in America, is that it achieves its dirty goals precisely through members of nations and states that they want to discipline.

The closer Trump's inauguration is, the more nervous and aggressive the world's evil gets.
Unfortunately, our free country and our proud and brave nation were not spared either. Our diplomatic missions are under attack. No less, no more, and certainly not by accident, our embassy in Brussels is under attack.
We don't need enemies besides ourselves. The coordinated action of extremists who want to smear and humiliate their country, which has always had difficulties and external enemies who want to match Serbia's suffering and debacle, is spreading across Europe. And so in Brussels, those who do not live in their own country, who are paid in foreign currency, who do not stand up for the interests of Serbia, hung a bloody fist with the aim of discrediting their country in the capital of the European Union.
On the fence of the Serbian embassy in Brussels, a place that is synonymous with working in the service of their people, saying that they do not work and will never be there for their people. In the past, those who left their country for money, as well as those who created this mockery, at least used the fact that they went out into the world to keep the image of their country at the highest level, to talk about successes, to help, to create.
And today, today we have those who renounced Serbia chasing even more money, and then defaming the homeland that educated them, where they were born, where their roots are from. Do they expect that the bloody fist on the banner will be more important to the people of the EU than the results, respect for work and principles by the state of Serbia?
Are they still trying to please the haters of our people in this way? Are they the extended arm of those who want to humiliate us? Who use that same union to lie and denigrate us, in order not to condemn us to backsliding and steal our territory, justifying their crimes.
This move identifies those who hung this banner with them, with Kurti, for whom Brussels is a symbol for trampling on Serbia. Just how grateful is Kurti to those who do the dirty work by making his job easier? You hang these banners ones, flatter yourself and sell Serbia, what is the price of this?
The last gasps, poor and miserable, irresponsible and humiliating are spread by those who do not wish us well. Will the drawn hand be stronger on the scales than the tangible results and development of Serbia? Not all flies are headless. Not everyone is for sale. Not everyone is corruptible. This move is not admirable but regrettable.
Let it be to the credit of those who destroy every image of Serbia, without asking what remains and how the future will react to our children who say where they are from? When you've already gone after the money, at least do something smart for those who won't give up on their heritage.
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