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Vučić sent a message to young people and all citizens: "Serbia, united, can do anything" VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that he had just finished a meeting with BIA representatives.

Izvor: B92

Vučić sent a message to young people and all citizens: "Serbia, united, can do anything" VIDEO


He says that the issue that the USA and some other countries will introduce sanctions to NIS and how to deal with it and ensure security for the citizens of Serbia have been considered.

Vučić added that as soon as tomorrow we will start talks with the Americans, Russians and everyone else.

The hybrid threat to the country was also considered, and he said that unity is needed more than ever.

"Serbia, united, can do anything. That's why I call on young people, their parents, all citizens, to build the future of our Serbia together," said Vučić.


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