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Vučić: All the students' requests were met, we published everything, we acted responsibly VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke in Morning daily news on RTS about the student protests and the blockade of the faculty.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić: All the students' requests were met, we published everything, we acted responsibly VIDEO
Profimedia/Filip Stevanovic / Anadolu


"We fulfilled all the demands. Those were the demands of the politicians, to remove Vucevic, Djurić, who has nothing to do with all that, those were not the demands of the university... What they asked for was fulfilled. I don't think it's fair, and I don't think that are fair laws. Everything was fulfilled because people in the country wanted to meet the needs of young people," said Vučić.

"The University of Belgrade alone has 98,000 students, in the whole of Serbia 230,000 students, a huge number of students want to work, want to study, that's their job. I believe that a huge number of those who participated in this had good intentions, as some others such as some activists or parties of the former regime may have had. All demands, many of which were neither realistic nor fair, have been fulfilled," Vučić pointed out.

"20 percent increase for universities, they asked for documentation, the prosecution has even more papers, that's a question for them. We published everything, they say it's censored. Nobody is hiding anything because we have nothing to hide, nobody took any money from it", said the President of Serbia.

"They always start from themselves, they know what they did, so they think everyone else is doing it," he adds.

"We behaved responsibly in that matter. A terrible tragedy happened, take it upon yourself, talk to people," said Vučić.

"I was in several families, and now, as you watch, for 40 days, a boy Nemanja Komar in Stepanovićevo, 17 years old, his friends came to him, you are crying, even though you didn't know the boy. Then you go to Švonja's family and talk with them, good Dalmatian family. Not to mention, I was at the cemetery and in the house of the Firić family, who suffered the greatest losses. There is grandfather Djordje, my age, 54 years old, and Valentina and Sara, two girls. And now you are talking to the mother, the father, it is a big and wonderful Roma family. I could only cry, what else could I do?" Vucic asked.

"I saw a huge number of decent people among the students. Let's disregard all the others, Stojković and all their activists who come there, they are not important. I go out, a few activists are whistling and shouting, I am standing on the terrace and then they stop and say wait, it is not for us to engage in politics in that way, there are a lot of smart kids there. It's disgusting that some teachers do that with minors. It's not their job. Not to mention what happened in Novi Sad where you forced a child of Miloš Vucevic to go to the protest. The most important thing for me is that the public understands that. We will continue with our job from Monday. Serbia will continue to work and develop. We will not allow violence against people, institutions, and facilities," Vučić said.

On the changes worldwide

"I expect huge changes with the arrival of Donald Trump in the structuring of values ​​in the world. If Musk left California and went to Texas, then it is clear to you that there will be big changes. I have seen enormous determination among Trump's closest associates. As for Brussels, I think that they will prepare a letter for us that the opening of cluster 3 will be, I guess, I can't guarantee it, in January or February. I can go to Brussels, but I don't have to, someone else can go," he said.


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