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Explosions: Russian base full of bombers under attack VIDEO

Russia was the target of a drone attack on a military base near Ryazan and a port in Novorossiysk, the Astra Telegram channel reports.

Izvor: Blic.rs

Explosions: Russian base full of bombers under attack VIDEO


A video of the explosion circulating on the Internet indicates the seriousness of the situation.

However, the governor of the Ryazan region, Pavel Malkov, claims that the defense forces shot down three drones.

These attacks indicate continued tensions in the region and a potential escalation of the conflict. The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that more than 20 Ukrainian drones were intercepted in six regions.

The drones targeted the air base, which is located 500 kilometers from the front and is home to strategic bombers and refueling planes, as well as the port of Novorossiysk, where missile carriers are stationed.

"Air defense forces of the Ministry of Defense shot down three drones over the Ryazan region," said the governor of the Ryazan region. Drone attacks on Russian military targets highlight the growing use of drones in modern conflicts and the need for effective anti-aircraft systems.


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