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Media: Vesić in a serious condition urgently transferred to the hospital

Goran Vesić was transferred to the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica due to deteriorating health, media reports.

Izvor: Blic

Media: Vesić in a serious condition urgently transferred to the hospital


The news was confirmed to Tanjug by the warden of the District Prison in Novi Sad, Mile Jandrić.

As previously reported by Kurir, the warden of the Novi Sad prison informed the judge for the preliminary proceedings last night, as well as the lawyer Goran Vesić, that Goran Vesić's health worsened last night, which is why he was urgently transferred to the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica.

As Novosti stated, his health condition suddenly worsened after six days of hunger strike and refusal to receive medical treatment.

Let us remind you that Vesić resigned from the post of Minister of Construction after the tragedy in Novi Sad, when the canopy at the railway station collapsed, killing 15 people, while two more people are in the hospital in serious condition.

After that, by order of the Prosecutor's Office, Vesić and over 10 other people were brought to the Prosecutor's Office for questioning and remanded in custody.

Meanwhile, Vesić himself announced that he has started a hunger strike.

However, according to some media reports, his health condition had deteriorated even before the beginning of the hunger strike, which is why he was being treated with numerous drugs. It is also stated that he has serious cardiovascular problems.


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