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Today, the Prime Minister announces who will replace Vesić and Momirović

Serbian Prime Minister Miloš Vučević will announce today who will replace the two ministers who resigned after the tragedy in Novi Sad.

Izvor: Tanjug

Today, the Prime Minister announces who will replace Vesić and Momirović


The ministries headed by Goran Vesić and Tomislav Momirović, who submitted their resignations, and which the Assembly noted on Monday, should be taken over by Darko Glišić and Adrijana Mesarović, Tanjug learns.

The Minister for Public Investments, Darko Glišić, will take over, until new ministers are elected, the department of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, which until now was headed by Goran Vesić, who is in custody as part of the investigation of the accident at the Railway Station in Novi Sad.

Instead of Tomislav Momirović, who also resigned, the Department of the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade will most likely be taken over by Minister of Economy Adrijana Mesarović, and Prime Minister Miloš Vučević will announce the final decisions today.

Vučević previously stated that he will announce on Tuesday which of the ministers will take over the ministries led by Goran Vesić and Tomislav Momirović, who resigned due to the tragedy in Novi Sad, and which the Assembly confirmed today.

"We have a path ahead of us to appoint two new ministers, and tomorrow I will announce who will take over the ministries from the existing ministers until new members of the Government are elected," Vucevic told Euronews.


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