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Vučić: Zero tolerance towards those who carried out violence against women

In Belgrade, on the occasion of the start of the campaign "16 days of combating violence against women", the conference "Equal. Safe. Empowered" is being held, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will speak in the introductory part.

Izvor: B92

Vučić: Zero tolerance towards those who carried out violence against women


"I looked at the latest numbers and there are slightly fewer examples of assaults on women and imposed measures of access than last year. Certainly, ther is still a huge number. What is important is that today there is less violence than before. It is necessary to speak publicly of every kind of violence, it is important that the institutions react. It is important that there is a public moral condemnation for those who participate in violence against women in any way," said Vučić.

"For me, the key question here is how many women and girls actually and substantially report violence, just under 15 percent of girls. If 32,000 people have received a temporary measure, that's more than 1 percent of men in this country, then that number becomes dramatically higher. I want to ask girls and women to report violence. Of course, we need cooperation with civil society, the non-governmental sector, but we also need to participate at the state level and tell people what it is like, how shameful and horrible it is," said Vučić.

"It is important that we show strong unity on this issue and that we fight together every day against those who carry out violence. We have to protect women, we have to protect girls and there can be no compromises," said Vučić.

Just to recall, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, gave an interview to BBC journalist Stephen Sackur, for the most renowned political show of the British service Hard Talk.

President of Serbia spoke about Srebrenica, Kosovo and Metohija, the Assembly of Serbian Unity, relations with Russia...


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