Politics 5



Vučić sent a strong message: Now we have to fight even harder, life is a fight VIDEO

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, posted a video on Instagram from the terrace of the Presidency, from where he calls on citizens to fight, because life is a fight.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić sent a strong message: Now we have to fight even harder, life is a fight VIDEO
Printscreen: Instagram/buducnostsrbijeav


"It's Saturday, those are not easy days, but I've learned that it's pointless to just feel sorry for yourself, and whenever such days come, then on weekends I want to work the hardest, fight even harder, and this is my favorite place and terrace in the Presidency of Serbia, because when I come here, I look at everything we have done from the facades, from the National Assembly, to all the surrounding streets, to a completely new city that is springing up in front of us - Belgrade Waterfront, and then I say to myself - now we have to fight even harder, and never give up. I want to tell the people in Serbia who are worried that I will fight even harder for them," said Vučić in a video posted on Instagram.

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