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A resolution is prepared, vote of confidence for Kurti's government will be requested

A resolution has been prepared that will demand the removal of Albin Kurti's government in the Kosovo parliament.

Izvor: Beta

A resolution is prepared, vote of confidence for Kurti's government will be requested


Head of the parliamentary group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (ABK), Besnik Tahiri, said today that the parliamentary group has prepared a request for discussion in which it will present a resolution demanding the government of Albin Kurti to resign and dissolve the parliament.

"I express my displeasure on behalf of ABK on how Kurti will abdicate his responsibility as prime minister. He will solve this escape with his sophisticated communication with the opposition," Tahiri told reporters.

He also mentioned two points of the resolution that they should propose.

"All the parameters so far in the third anniversary of this government have shown that all the conditions have been met for the government to end its mandate by resigning, as the Assembly of Kosovo voted on the proposal to dismiss the government. And the second step is for the Assembly of Kosovo to dissolve itself and for the country to go to new elections," he said.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said last night that the party he leads, the Self-Determination Movement (PS), is ready for elections and will support the opposition's demands for a vote of confidence in the government he leads.

He told RTK that he cannot go to the special elections without the opposition because, as he added, the verdict of the Constitutional Court from 2020 showed that two-thirds of the MPs are needed to dissolve the assembly and there is no other option to go to the elections automatically.

"They can do it together with us, this is my offer. I say we go to the elections when the opposition wants. We help the opposition if it wants to go to the elections. We are always ready for the elections," Kurti said.

His statement last night was immediately followed by the reactions of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK) and the Democratic Union of Kosovo (DSK). The president of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, replied to Prime Minister Kurti that since July last year they have been calling and waiting for him to dissolve the assembly and go to the elections as soon as possible.

"As of tomorrow, DPK signatures are ready. We will go to the elections immediately - if you have courage and have a little conscience for the difficult situation you have brought the country into," wrote Krasniqi on Facebook.

DSK president Lumir Abdixhiku called on Kurti to offer his resignation as prime minister, if he surrendered.

"Let me say it clearly, loudly, if he surrendered and it looks like he surrendered, let him resign, but explain to the people why you are leaving them. The DSK is not submitting a motion to dissolve the assembly, but it is ready for elections from today. It is also ready for governance after the elections," Abdixhiku said in a statement for TV T7.


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