Politics 4



"Alarming": They shoot at Serbs, and no one's responsible for that ; Urgent action needed VIDEO

The Security Council of the United Nations is discussing today the new, six-month report of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the work of the UNMIK Mission.

Izvor: B92.net

"Alarming": They shoot at Serbs, and no one's responsible for that ; Urgent action needed VIDEO


Serbia is represented at the session by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marko Djurić.

"As shown by a series of reports in the last two and a half years, the situation in Kosovo has significantly worsened. Today I am here to detail the crimes of the Albin Kurti regime. Will we stand by while innocent ordinary people suffer or will we take significant steps. It has been 20 years since pogrom when 28 people were killed and almost 1,000 were wounded. It was the second wave of ethnic cleansing of Serbs," began Djurić.

He added that six Serbs were shot at this year alone, and that not a single person was held accountable for it.

As he says, the police in favor of Kurti govern KiM, and the administration imposed mayors who were "elected" without the support of the Serbian part of the community, but are still in power.

"Just two days ago, in a statement that violates the process of dialogue and the law, Kurti stated that he does not plan to implement the agreement on the CSM. This is not a dumping of obligations, but a direct insult to this council and the authority of the International Community... Xhelal Sveçla extended the insult when he said that his administration does not plan to implement Article 9 of the Brussels Agreement. Although this is not surprising, it casts doubt on Prishtina's intention to build a common future," says Djurić.

According to his words, the rights of the Serbian List are being denied illegally, and this further speaks of the lack of respect for the rights of Kosovo and Metohija and indicates the necessity to ensure that measures are taken against such behavior.

"Why should Serbs vote in the upcoming elections if their basic rights do not apply to them," says Djurić, adding that Patriarch Porfirije is also prohibited from going to Pec.

"Violence against Serbs has reached an alarming level," says Djurić, and adds that six Serbs were shot in the first year and no one has yet been held accountable for that.

Djurić says that attacks on Serbs have increased by 50% since Kurti took power.

"Last year, an 11-year-old boy was shot by the so-called Kosovo security forces during the Christmas parade, and the attacker is still free. What kind of message does that send?" Djuric asked.

As he says, thousands of families are still not allowed to return.

Djurić asked the UN for urgent action and for concrete measures to be taken.

A message for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija

"You are not alone. Serbia is with you in your fight for justice. We will not give up... Your courage in the face of difficulties is a witness to your strength. We will not allow your voices to go unheard. The people must understand that your fight is not a fight for territory but to live with justice. There can be no normalization until more than 80 Serbian political prisoners return home," said Djurić in his message to our people in Kosovo.

Djurić showed a photo of Xhelal Sveçla standing in front of a burned EULEX vehicle and asked if he could be considered as someone who respects order, and the arrested Serbs as terrorists.

"We invite you to reject the politics of division and to join us in the search for mutual security and cooperation. Kurti is a reflection of the regime he fought against and unfortunately surpassed. He grew into an oppressor and one who divides us," said Djurić.

According to him, it is necessary to reject the policy that deepens the gap and to Government of the so-called Kosovo respects all citizens and obligations.

"Sanctions must be introduced"

"It is necessary that there are consequences for actions, sanctions must be introduced to the Kurti government and zero tolerance for further provoking conflicts. We call on the SC to implement the existing agreements, especially the Brussels agreement. Imagine the future that we can create together if we apply international law together, and it is time to hold Kurti accountable. Will this Council respect the values ​​it stands for? Serbia is determined to continue fighting for peace and I call on this Council to protect basic freedoms," said Djurić.


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