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Vučić: Trust me, I know what I'm doing; Our country has become the stage of a hybrid war

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić was hosted in "Jutro" on TV Prva, where he spoke about the most current topics in Serbia and the world.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić: Trust me, I know what I'm doing; Our country has become the stage of a hybrid war


President of Serbia said that meeting with Fico and Orban was one of the easiest meetings for him, but they were all important for Serbia.

"You noticed in the previous days the fake research of analysts, now I will reveal some details. In those 43% who are for the EU, you must know that exactly 50% of those who are for the party of which I am a member, those 42% are for BRICS, as many as 55 % for the party of which I am a member. Of course, my declaration of any side brings a clear advantage. Our country has become the scene of a hybrid war in Ukraine of all the foreign actors, some in the Middle East, some in the Pacific, and they all want to have every territory under their control," said Vučić.

Vučić pointed out that we constantly hear mutual accusations from two sides that are the same and use the same methods.

"Both of them have their mouths full of freedom and the protection of the interests of Serbia, and in fact both of them work for a third party. I find it harder and harder to tolerate this. I have been in power for the longest time, I am a political veteran, and I have governed in the most difficult times. You have a sharp division in Serbia that I am against, and I will expressly oppose it. On the one hand, we love Russia and hate the West. The campaign against Germany, Ursula von der Leyen, was terrible. I think all the best about Ursula von der Leyen, and my opinion about Annalena Baerbock is not so good, but you must not do that," emphasized Vučić.

He says that his every day is work, and he asked for a little attention, because of the conversations and noise in the studio.

"So you can't campaign against Ursula von der Leyen and Annalena Baerbock, and talk about who is her great-grandfather, etc. Those people employ 83,000 people in our country, 300,000 people live off of it. You, me, the owner of your television lives off of it. "We wouldn't have it if there weren't those factories. It's just that someone has to understand it. We don't, we deserve it with hard work."

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Today, SMATS is announcing a strike, and their salaries are 750,000 dinars, said Vučić.

"There are also those who have 'small' salaries, of 250,000 dinars. Both of them protest. And they say they want more respect. Whoever said that, calculates how much money is needed. And I think that it is necessary to give more respect. Yes, back to what is important. We have to take care of every guest, we are a small country, and we often behave as if we are India and China. We will not have 5.2 million inhabitants in 2050. unless something epochal happens," he said.

The president asked everyone who praises him not to "help" him anymore, and that he knows what he is doing very well.

"If I were the stupidest person, I would learn everything, I've been in politics for so long. And I don't think I'm the stupidest person. I'm looking for us to hide when it comes to conflicts, and to open up as much as possible when it comes to showing the EXPO, when it comes to the economy and standard of living. I just want to tell you that we have to conduct our politics, and it will continue to spread", said Vučić.


He pointed out that many people in Serbia are emotionally colored, and that we are putting ourselves in danger because of that.

"You saw yesterday, no one understands how difficult it is to talk to Russians and Europeans. I can do that. As for Vucevic, it's not a matter for him, he hasn't done anything wrong. The bottom line is that Ursula cannot afford to be written on social media that Vucevic met with the Russian minister, and then with her. It's impossible for them, it's completely normal for us. You people don't understand what the atmosphere is like," said the president.

He adds that in Europe they think that he is a very difficult man, but they know that he always keeps his word and does not tell lies.

"In front of 25 or 26 presidents and prime ministers, they asked me to explain how we don't impose sanctions on Russia. I was alone, they were all looking at me, and then I started to fight. To "fight", I hit back. Is it that's easy? No, it's very difficult for me to tell Putin that I won't come to Kazan. Do you know what the consequences would be if I left and canceled the other meetings. And I have preserved the respect of both parties. Serbia's politics do not change overnight," the president emphasized.

Vučić points out that if he were to say tomorrow that Serbia is joining the BRICS, it would be a convincing victory that time.

"There are rational people who know that I fight for the interests of Serbia, and they would know that this is good. No one sends me nervous messages from abroad, nor does anyone change their speeches before addressing the UN. I don't listen to that! I listen to Serbia, not only what people want to hear. Already in terms of Serbia's needs," Vučić emphasized.

He pointed out that there would be no wages if 83,000 people were not employed in factories, and he emphasized that the state feeds all the televisions.

"None of them are on the market alone, but are supplied from the state tank. I will not destroy anyone's dreams. Do you want me to tell you how much money you get from the state? To finish, Serbia is on the European road, and successfully, in almost impossible conditions, it protects its friendship with both Russia and China. China is a fantastically important partner of our country," said the president.

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On economy

He emphasizes that no one has punished us because of our politics, and says that he is not interested in who he likes and who he doesn't like.

"I do things that are not popular. They said that the suicidal move is fiscal consolidation, and now we are the first in the region. The average growth rate in the EU will be 0.8. In Serbia, the growth rate will be 3.9 or 4. It would be even higher if we have not had a drought. We are growing five times faster than the EU countries. We are lagging behind, but we are progressing much faster," said Vučić.

He points out that he is surprised by the toughness of the Russian economy, but that it is a war economy.

"They raised interest rates, and that means that their loan interest rates are 30 percent. Their inflation is twice as high as ours. People have to keep that in mind. Nabiulina is a genius, and I'm surprised how they're holding up. But that economy is progressing more slowly than ours, and in proportion to the number of inhabitants, it is weaker than ours. We are arming ourselves faster than everyone else in Europe'', Vucic added.

Vučić says that once you don't do something to someone, you are immediately guilty.

"One artist received millions of euros from the state, and as soon as he didn't receive it, he immediately says that we are taking away his right to work! I cannot accept that argument, although we will try to help," he said.

The president talked about the research, and said that there is no reason to worry, since he is by far in the first place according to the trust of the citizens.

"We received an investment rating, Moody's will raise our rating by two notches next year. We have no problems. People from the IMF said that our progress is impressive. And no one reported about that, not even RTS. For them, it is more important when 150 of them gather to block the road. The reasons for my concern are not the economy or the rating, but the fate of Serbia. Madness has spread," he said, speaking of conflicts in the world.

The president said that he will speak at the meeting of the European political community, at the same meeting where Zelensky and Erdogan will speak.

"How can I please someone if I tell the truth. And the truth is, stop the war, for God's sake! No one will have electricity, people. What should we do everywhere in Europe, in three years there will be no electricity. No people will dig coal, everyone wants to be managers. We have the same number of employees in EPS, only the number of people in the offices has increased", said Vučić.

About the conversation with Putin and the war in Ukraine

Vučić adds that Putin told him during the conversation that he considers the incursion into Kursk to be Ukraine's biggest mistake.

"I won't say the details on a personal note, but he has already done it before. The possibility is now being considered in the Western headquarters. The Ukrainians want to bomb Moscow, but in the West they know it is a mistake. That's why they are thinking about a perimeter of 200-300 kilometers to beat munitions warehouses and airfields. And now, it can be destroyed, but the question is what is the Russian reaction, and make peace. The Russians know what was done in Krajina, and the West will not accept it he must not lose, and Russia must not lose either. What do you have when such conclusions are reached," said Vučić.

On US elections

Regarding the US elections, President Vučić says that Trump's guest appearance with Joe Rogan has already become incredibly popular.

"The fact that Bezos forbade the Washington Post to speak for Kamala also says something. Kamala is very good, an extremely good campaign. A collision of worlds. Beyoncé came, she says that she is not here as a celebrity, but as a mother, and that is why she supports Kamala. She's trying to get women out, and through Joe Rogan, she wants to get as many men out as possible. They're still out with Bruce Springsteen and Taylor Swift. But Trump's interview is something that is very important. He had an excellent campaign," says Vučić.

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Vucic points out that Trump has levers of influence on Zelensky, but the question is what will happen if Putin says no.

"And what will happen if Kamala wins? I'm sure she won't go for the full policy continuity with Biden. And now we have two unknowns coming to the US. The EU had a big summit yesterday and a meeting about what they will do if Trump win. We will also have a meeting on that issue. Most of the citizens of Serbia are rooting for Trump, mostly for emotional reasons," he added.

About the statement of Tonino Picula

"I am so afraid, I will not sleep for three nights before he comes to Belgrade. He will have meetings with these parliamentarians. It is not my obligation to meet with him. He asked for sanctions against Serbia, he accused our church of terrorism! He called it part of black hands Apis, and part of the wider intelligence community. This is a man who spoke against our country, against the resolution on Jasenovac. For us, this is a clear signal that Picula will never lead Serbia's politics for another 100 years, the president said.

He also points out that Picula will have to fulfill many conditions and requirements before meeting with him.

"I'm shaking with fear. Don't worry, people, our politics will be led by the people they chose, not Tonino Picula," said Vučić.

The president points out that Miroslav Aleksić is talking about hypnotism, and that he received subsidies from the state.

"People shouldn't worry. I don't believe Demostat's research, it's all hear-say. Demostat is certainly trying, unlike some third parties. Is it always methodologically correct, we saw that it's not exactly correct in the elections. I have an agency which I absolutely believe, there is a small margin of error," he said.


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