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Vučić on the 16th birthday of SNS: I see a cloud coming, but we will defend Serbia and our integrity VIDEO

Serbian Progressive Party is celebrating 16 years since the founding of the party with a meeting in Vršac. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the celebration in the "Millenium" hall.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić on the 16th birthday of SNS: I see a cloud coming, but we will defend Serbia and our integrity VIDEO


Tonight, the celebration of 16 years since the founding of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) began with a gathering in the Millennium Center in Vršac in the presence of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who is one of the founders of the SNS and the president of the party, Prime Minister Miloš Vučević.

"16 years ago, when President Nikolić set out to found the party, there was great hope, there was a great desire of people for change, because those who led Serbia destroyed it in a national, political, and economic sense," said the President of Serbia at the beginning of his address and added that Serbia has begun to wake up.


He said that those in power did not understand that you cannot put 550,000 people out of work without people seeing it and people not feeling it.

"They thought it was possible to remain silent and pretend to be silly about the fact that they told the people that Kosovo was a democratic issue and that they would easily solve it with their Western friends, so they told us about standards before status, and when it came down to it, self-proclaimed Kosovo's independence, then they hid, shirked responsibility and passed it on to each other, without taking any action," Vučić said.

"I see a cloud coming, but we will defend Serbia, our positions and our integrity," said the president. He said and added that a political party appeared at that time that was supposed to unite people of different affiliations, and that after so many years it is not easy to give an objective analysis," he added.


He pointed out that because of their irresponsibility, Montenegro also left, first from the joint state, and then from the state union.

Stating that it is not easy to give an objective analysis, Vučić said that the results speak best.

"Thanks to the victory of President Nikolić in the presidential elections, we were able to participate and form the Government of Serbia and start slowly changing things in our country," said Vučić.

Today, as he said, the country is not run by "successful politicians" and businessmen who agree with bankers to give them a loan of 20 million for a non-existent company and without collateral, and they pocket 5 and 10 million euros for the politicians.


"Banks failed, people failed, only rich politicians prospered. That must never happen again. We succeeded in something that was almost impossible. Don't forget that in 2014, when we took over the Government of Serbia as the majority partner with the support of the people in our country, public debt was 79 percent, and today it is 46 percent," said Vučić.

Vučić said that they had to make not easy, but difficult moves and thanked Tomislav Nikolić for unreservedly supporting the government headed by him (Vučić), and he could, he says, be silent and hide away and pamper the people that salaries and pensions should not be reduced.

"But precisely because of those severe measures, because cancer cannot be cured with aspirins and andols, but by taking the most severe measures. That's why today they have pensions that are much higher than they were ever," said Vučić.


He recalled the year 2014, when SNS took power and how the growth rate increased.

"I can't stand it when I see that even in our party there are those for whom the most important thing is what the Russians will say, or what the Americans or Europeans will say on the other side. But I don't want those, I want those who are interested in what people in Serbia say, what says Serbia, what does our people say! And don't lie to me that what both say is important, and this has driven the emperor to the brink, I can't stand it anymore!" said Vučić.

The ceremony was attended by the first president of the party, Tomislav Nikolić, officials and members of the party.

The president of the party and Prime Minister of Serbia, Miloš Vucevic, said that the most important battle for Serbia is ahead. He said that the biggest success of SNS is that it woke up Serbia, that it restored Serbia's dignity and that it returned Serbia to its people.

He recalled the state Serbia was in when the SNS came to power, predatory privatization, humiliations around Kosovo and Metohija...

"Our army was humiliated, the people were disappointed, without hope, and that very environment was crucial for our political struggle for Serbia", said the Prime Minister and said that the key battle is coming in two, two and a half years. Tomislav Nikolić said that "we should never forget the legacy that Kosovo is Serbia".


A large number of people are also in front of the hall. The hall was filled to capacity and thousands of people remained in front of the Millennium Center.

For them, transmission on video-beam is provided.


Serbian Progressive Party was founded in 2008 by Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić, after they left the Serbian Radical Party (SRS).

The first president of SNS was Tomislav Nikolić, who left that position when he was elected president of Serbia in 2012, and Aleksandar Vučić was elected as the new head of the party.

Vučić held the position of SNS president until May 2023, when Miloš Vučević was elected to that position.

SNS is a political organization with a clear democratic commitment, whose goal is the implementation of state-building policy, protection of vital national interests, improvement of human rights, real and accelerated economic development, it was stated on the party's website.


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