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Vučić and Tusk: I won't hide it, Tusk would like to see full compliance of Serbia with the EU

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addresses the media after the meeting with the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, at the Palace of Serbia.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić and Tusk: I won't hide it, Tusk would like to see full compliance of Serbia with the EU


Tusk, let's recall, arrived in Serbia yesterday, and the two leaders had a tete-a-tete meeting today.

"Last night and this morning, I had the honor of speaking in a serious and responsible manner with the Prime Minister of Poland, one of the most important European leaders. I want to thank him because even as the President of the European Union, he came back in 2018 and brought important news, when there were numerous doubts about our path to the EU. Tusk then brought important news and, unlike others, he wanted to listen to our views," said Vučić at the beginning of his address to the media.

He said that he discussed numerous issues with Tusk, including the continuation of Serbia's European path. He also reminded that the Greek Prime Minister was in Belgrade last night.

As he pointed out, the talks lasted a long time, about four hours, and according to Vučić, they will bring some encouraging news regarding our European integration.

"We talked about geopolitical issues, the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, we looked at the level of our agreement and I am grateful to Tusk for listening to me, and I am also grateful to him, and since it is his fault that I am not in Kazan, he wanted to listen to me. I won't hide it, Tusk would like to see full compliance of Serbia with the EU, I don't hide it, but I tried to explain to him the position of Serbia and how much we have helped Ukraine," said Vučić.

On the other hand, the Polish Prime Minister started speaking in Serbian, saying that his country supports Serbia's European path and that the EU is not complete without Serbia.

"Also, we welcome Serbia's economic progress," he added.

"My friend Aleksandar told me that he supports the European path of Albania and North Macedonia", added Tusk, addressing the journalists: "I hope you managed to understand me".

He then continued his address to the journalists in Polish, pointing out that migration issues were also discussed with Mitsotakis.

"I would like to acknowledge Serbia for its great, great contribution to helping Ukraine. I understand that we have different views on the issue of Russia, but that's why I value more that we understand each other and that we can talk about it," said Tusk.

He then stated that, after the conversation with Vučić, Serbia's position is clear to him, as well as that today's conversation opens a wider perspective regarding the cooperation between the two countries.

"I hope that our conversation will favor, I say this without pressure, a more monolithic policy in Europe. Poland and Serbia have the same interest and there is no reason for conflicts to arise," said Tusk.

Then he repeated that he is serious about the EU perspective of the Western Balkans.

"EU enlargement must include Serbia because there is no complete EU without Serbia," said the Polish Prime Minister.

He then thanked the President of Serbia for choosing to speak with him in Belgrade even though he had another attractive opportunity, referring to the BRICS meeting to which Russian President Vladimir Putin invited Vučić.


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