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Polish Prime Minister in Serbia: Tete-a-tete meeting with Vučić; This is a detailed agenda of the visit

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk continues his official visit to Serbia today, and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will host him in the "Serbia" Palace.

Izvor: Tanjug

Polish Prime Minister in Serbia: Tete-a-tete meeting with Vučić; This is a detailed agenda of the visit


Prime Minister Tusk and President Vučić will have a tete-a-tete meeting at 11:30 a.m., and then a plenary meeting of the Serbian and Polish delegations led by Vučić and Tusk will be held.

After the plenary meeting of the delegations, statements to the media by President Vučić and Prime Minister Tusk will follow, announced the Office for Media Relations of the President of the Republic.

Before the reception at the "Serbia" Palace, Tusk will also meet with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, and then a plenary session of the delegations of the governments of Serbia and Poland will be held.

Also, in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, in cooperation with the Ministry of State Property of the Republic of Poland, a Round Table will be organized on the topic of the potential cooperation between the two countries in the field of energy, mining and green transformation.

On Wednesday evening, President Vucic hosted a dinner in honor of Prime Minister Tusk and Prime Minister of Greece Kyrios Mitsotakis.

Vučić said that it was a great honor for him to be able to host the two prime ministers.

"This is an opportunity to exchange opinions on current events in Europe, ways to overcome common challenges and opportunities for a better life for our citizens in a common European home," Vučić said in a post on the Instagram account "buducnostsrbijeav", along with a photo with Tusk and Mitsotakis.

He pointed out that he is proud to represent Serbia, a responsible and constructive partner in building a better future, but also a traditionally good host.

Tusk arrived in Belgrade on Wednesday afternoon, and was met by Prime Minister Miloš Vučević at the "Nikola Tesla" airport.

Tusk had visited Serbia several times as the Chairman of the European Council.


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