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Vučić spoke with Putin, then addressed the citizens of Serbia; He repeated this sentence twice VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić spoke with Putin, then addressed the citizens of Serbia; He repeated this sentence twice VIDEO


As Vučić said, the main topic of the conversation was the anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade, but he also used the opportunity to thank the Russian president for providing Serbia with a sufficient amount of gas.

"Very good conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin," Vučić announced on Instagram.

"I just finished a conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. We haven't talked for almost two and a half years. We had a good, open, long and meaningful conversation," Vučić says in the video.

"We talked, of course, about what was the occasion, which is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade, I thanked President Putin for the congratulations, and pointed out the steadfast and libertarian spirit of the Serbian people and the gratitude of Serbia and our people to the units of the Red Army that together with Serbian units participated in the liberation of our capital.

We exchanged opinions on all important bilateral issues, including economic ones, and I especially thanked President Putin for the fact that, through Alexi Miller, he made it possible for Russia to provide sufficient quantities of gas for the Republic of Serbia this winter, at the level of 6 million cubic meters, plus 2 million, plus 3 million...

This is a scheme that you remember from previous years, which is extremely important for us, at very favorable prices. I thanked him, and we both expressed the hope that the talks and what was left from the past to be negotiated, and to be fulfilled, will be resolved by compromise solutions in the coming period.

We also talked about other economic issues, important cooperation, and of course all important political issues. I will say part of that tomorrow in the evening program of RTS, but what I can say is that I expressed my hope, just like two and a half years ago, that Serbia will not impose sanctions on the Russian Federation, as I showed exceptional gratitude and for supporting our efforts in the United Nations on the issues of various resolutions, and especially the constant support for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia.

That is something that will not change. I believe that this will contribute to the further development of Serbian-Russian relations, and that we will be able not only to help each other, but also to develop trust between our peoples and our countries," said Vučić.

Putin repeated one sentence twice, invited Vučić to Russia

A little later, during the opening of the exhibition "Military Diplomacy on the Road to Freedom: On Soviet-Yugoslav Military Diplomacy during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945," the President of Serbia again referred to the conversation with the Russian President.

"President of Russia invited me to attend the commemoration of the Victory over Nazism next year on May 9. We spoke as people who have known each other for a long time, as friends, and it was a personal conversation," said Vučić.

"The sentence that Putin repeated twice is: what is good for Serbia is also good for Russia, what is good for the Serbs is good for the Russians," emphasized Serbian President. 


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