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The land of Visoki Dečani monastery registered in the Kosovo cadastre

The Eparchy of Raška-Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church confirms that the authorized representative of the Visoki Dečani monastery received a proper cadastral certificate with all the assets of the Dečani monastery today at the Central Cadastre of Kosovo.

Izvor: eparhija-prizren.com

The land of Visoki Dečani monastery registered in the Kosovo cadastre


The extract also includes 24 hectares that were recognized to the monastery by the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo in 2016.

On the basis of the cadastral extract, we can confirm that the decision of the Constitutional Court from 2016 has been implemented and that the monastery has been recognized in the Cadastre as the owner of the property that was previously disputed.

With this, we can conclude that the long-term legal process that was conducted around 24 hectares of Visoki Dečani monastery land has finally been resolved.

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