Politics 2



Smajlović said: Serbia is an oasis of media freedom VIDEO

Journalist Ljiljana Smajlović told K1 television that Serbia is an oasis of media freedom.

Izvor: Novosti.rs

Smajlović said: Serbia is an oasis of media freedom VIDEO


"I do a show for Russia Today called 'Relativization' and if someone in America or Canada wants to watch it on the RT Balkans website, they will be able to do it, but in Europe you can't, it's the censorship of the European Union.

Even today, our conversation is unimaginable in the EU, if you lived in Paris you wouldn't be able to hear this kind of conversation because there is censorship.

That's why we came to the fact that Serbia is an oasis of media freedom, and we haven't improved, our media haven't improved, our government hasn't improved, but, compared to the EU, we go around, say whatever we think and criticize whoever we want.

There is no such thing in Europe anymore," she concluded.


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