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Vučić in New York against the "Woke" movement: Serbia is modern, but it won't sacrifice traditional values

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić addressed the Future Summit in New York.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić in New York against the "Woke" movement: Serbia is modern, but it won't sacrifice traditional values
Tanjug/AP Photo/Frank Franklin II


We are transcribing the speech of the President of Serbia in its entirety:

"Dear participants of the Summit, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I am very happy to attend this important Future Summit. I'm not going to take up your time by quoting Alan Ford's comic book hero or saying that it's better to have peace and cooperation than war and conflict; that it is better to be healthy than sick. Also, I don't want to repeat empty stories about respecting the norms of international law, because public international law applies only to small and not very strong and only in situations when they are not attacked by those same big ones.

However, when it comes to the most powerful countries, it is incredible with how many lies and hypocrisy they brutally trample on the rights of the United Nations, and above all peace. Peace is more important than anything today, but no one sees peace as a significant value. On the contrary, all the great ones, justifying their great policies, speak of a just peace, which means that they should win, and that the others should not only lose, but be completely destroyed. All actors, without exception, will refer to the norms of international law that are in their favor, and they will deliberately forget what they did and what they are still doing today. They will be reminded of that by the other great ones, who will also forget all those misdeeds, but will still find endless violations of international law in the case of the former.

Serbia supports the plan of the Secretary General of the United Nations. We support the Pact for the Future, despite our reservations and would like to see more compromises for developing countries, as well as a better understanding of the needs of small ones by big Western countries. All five thematic units are important to us: Sustainable development and financing of development; International peace and security; Science, technology and innovation and digital collaboration; Youth and future generations and Transforming global governance, but what kind of financing for development, the position of youth and sustainable development can we talk about when we have major regional conflicts in the world and tensions in which almost all the world's major powers are involved.

When it comes to objections, Serbia supports the request of the Group of 77 developing countries, which includes the People's Republic of China, and we believe that financing the problem of climate change should be a separate issue, and not part of development financing. We believe that the United States of America and the European Union will be more understanding in the reforms of the existing financial architecture. Also, we believe that the remarks of Russia and Brazil, in which the issues of climate and climate change are more related to security than to development, are serious and deserve attention.

In addition, Serbia believes that it is very important to find a balance between the Western point of view on the rule of law on the one hand and the demands of numerous countries on the other hand, when it comes to family and traditional values. Human rights are one thing, and their abuse and exaggeration lead to the destruction of traditional conservative societies, which many countries around the world cannot accept, especially when it comes to family values, which the Republic of Serbia also inherits. Serbia is on its European path. Unlike many others, Serbia respects the norms of international public law. At the same time, Serbia is a modern country, but it is not ready to sacrifice its own traditional values ​​and will resist external attempts that the so-called 'Woke' movement imposes as the highest possible value and as a state that we supposedly have to reach in the future," said Vučić.


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