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Vučić met with the State Secretary of the Holy See Cardinal Pietro Parolin PHOTO

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met with the State Secretary of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

Izvor: B92

Vučić met with the State Secretary of the Holy See Cardinal Pietro Parolin PHOTO


"An excellent meeting with Cardinal Parolin, with whom I discussed the maintenance of a regular political dialogue at all levels, as well as Serbia's cooperation with the Roman Catholic Church, which is good, with mutual respect and an effort to further improve it.

I stated that the Republic of Serbia is determined to continue to nurture and improve constructive relations with the Holy See, since we share views on many international issues, above all the protection of Christians and Christian heritage, as well as the improvement of the human rights of the Croatian people.

In this regard, I emphasized that the issue of protecting, respecting and improving the rights of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the protection and restoration of the Serbian religious and cultural heritage, Orthodox cemeteries, and endangered cultural monuments, is of fundamental importance for Serbia, especially Orthodox churches and monasteries under the protection of UNESCO.

We highly appreciate the principled position of the Holy See regarding non-recognition of unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and understanding for Serbia's position, which is based on respect for international law.

We also talked about other topics of mutual interest," Vučić said on Instagram.


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